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We would like to invite you to come to our church.

You are probably wondering why we are inviting you to come to our church.  It seems that hardly anyone attends church anymore.

You may feel church is just another interruption in your busy schedule.  In fact you may feel that the best thing about Sunday is sleeping in.

You may think we are interested in adding to the number of people that attend here.  We like to see new people come to our church.  However, our desire is that you come to our church to learn about God; how to live for and worship Him.  We seek to glorify God through dignified worship.  Care is given to the hymns we sing, the reading of the Bible and the clear proclamation of His word.

We believe that only God can heal the broken lives that surround us.  His word has an important message in the confusing days in which we live.  We hope our site will answer some of your questions, but, why not visit us and learn more?

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